Is that a single palmar crease? |
Disabled activist Sunny Taylor has written that 'disability is a political issue not a personal one'. There are many active disabled rights groups and some important victories have been won - although there is much more progress to be made. However learning disability – with DS being the largest constituent, has been largely sidelined from these campaigns, unintentional though that is. Disability activism is often atomised by individual conditions and necessary battles.
We're in a position now whereby the
specific political interventions needed by people with Down
syndrome are not being addressed. The likely roll out of an early
stage blood test in screening for example.
Now you could argue that I don't have
Down syndrome so therefore my views are invalid – that's a fair
point, it also isn't very realistic. The political demands I would
make are ones that I make as a human being, standing next to an equal
who is facing prejudice and ignorance.
If you look at the meaning of charity
you get the following words as definition; alms - mercy - beneficence
- benevolence – philanthropy. Ever since Dr Down identified what he
saw as a racially degenerate condition in his Asylum for Idiots
too much has been left to
this handing down of help. Charity is about handing down, it seems as
very Victorian an institution as Dr Down himself.
very beneficial work has come from charities in the last few decades
– I won't deny it – that's not to say more political progress
hasn't also been sidelined by this as the principle
approach to furthering the causes of people with DS.
charity doesn't do is challenge. It has a vested interest in the
status quo, they cannot by definition challenge politically, they
cannot alienate their generous donors by poking at authority and
riling people with uncomfortable truths.
movements have a strong tradition of taking action for outsiders who
'don't count' whether due to sex, race or ability – often excluded
from the labour market and seen as worthless. In a week when the
British Chancellor of the Exchequer asserts the new budget
is designed to benefit "those who want to get on and work hard"
and the Prime Minister repeats endlessly "hard-working families"
– many with Down syndrome would be fair to comment, 'chance would
be a fine thing'.
expectations in society as a whole and a new record low belief in
people's ability to achieve anything should not hold us back.
need a movement that understands the political history and political
position of those with Down syndrome and is able to advocate and
challenge – as stridently as necessary. It needs to be built on a
common set of beliefs and fight for them no matter what. It also
needs to take shape in a very particular form – not for me to
define, however I think it should be said that working together,
with and without Down syndrome. Attitudinally a good example is the Gay Lesbian and Bisexual group Stonewall - with no issues with causing offence if necessary and effective interventions they have made a huge impact.
imagine rock climbers picking their way up a difficult peak, linked
together, helping each other progress to their ultimate goal.
Thank you for articulating this fair better than I could. Really great.